The script also suffers from this issue as well. Somebody desperately needed to check this beforehand. It's somewhat pointless because while the map doesn't show your current location, the room names are also wrong. Instead, it's divided up by the floor and the wing.

You can find maps of the building, but It's not that big that you can't have a first and second floor and basement. I'm not sure if that adds to it since some of the issues are caused by that. It's survival horror but filtered through poor translation. When hideously mutated and/or butchered freaks start showing up, trying to kill her, the shock shows at the next cutscene for about half a second before she nonchalantly moves on and talks to a creepy priest about the house.

This girl shows mild shock and cracks on with it. I wouldn't even go looking for my eye I could rock a Xiahou Dun eyepatch for the rest of my life. Personally, had those things happened to me within a few minutes of entering a creepy haunted mansion that also used to be some hospital, I'd be out of there quicker than a conservative in an equal-rights seminar.

She gets over the butchering far too quickly, determined to find out why she's getting headaches from looking at a picture that randomly turned up at her house one day. Hell, the fact that this lass has been stripped naked, dumped in a bathtub, forced to deepthroat a pipe that looks like it belongs on an industrial hoover, and had her eye removed, but carries on like it's just a stroll in the market takes a bit away from the game. Only, I don't know if the game ever really reaches those stakes again.